Changing the Narrative around Parenthood
Maureen and Jennifer want to reconstruct the idea of “parenthood”, while forging a way to find the best system of care for pregnant people.
Families deserve to get the help they need with ease and without shame.
Dark Side of the Full Moon delves into the unseen world of perinatal mental health in the United States. It uncovers the disconnect within the medical community to effectively screen, refer, and treat the 1.3 million families affected each year, giving a face and voice to the countless people who suffer in silence.
The Documentary
Together, Maureen and Jennifer begin a life changing journey, documenting their common story with women from around the country, Maureen looking to the past, asking why this happened, and Jennifer looking to the future, wanting to find a system that protects mothers from this happening again.
The Podcast
The conversations are far from over and their documentary proved the impact of storytelling. With her podcast, Jennifer, alongside other game-changers in the world of perinatal mental health, will continue allowing people to share their powerful narratives to let others know they’re not alone.